Salesforce Partner Navigation Program 2021
Salesforce has bought into the Navigator model for its Consulting Partner program. The Partner Navigator Program is about driving the success of your precious customers. Salesforce emphasizes a lot on the Partner Ecosystem. Salesforce wants the partner community to stay well connected with each other.
Launching the New Partner Navigator in 2021
Salesforce is planning for an enhanced version of the Partner Navigator to be implemented in the middle of 2021. This will provide:
- A simple yet easy-to-use Partner Navigator program.
- Enable your companies to stay ahead of competitors,
- Register with the Salesforce Consulting Partner program.
Why Choose the Navigator Model?
Salesforce Navigator highlights the achievements made by the consulting partners. The expertise of the consulting partners is measured centring around project experience, customer success and technical knowledge.
With this in mind comes the concept of partner navigator status which is the easiest way to understand the experience gathered by the partner in terms of Salesforce products or the verticals served. This helps you to find the right consulting firm with a specific industry experience. The achievements of the partners are displayed on the AppExchange with a Home page search or use the Expertise tab in the AppExchange list for the specific consultant.
What is the Trailblazer Score?
The Trailblazer score is determined by the deployable expertise. Navigator comprises 25 % of the overall scorecard. The partners earn points in Navigator by allocating the points for the following levels:
- Expert
- Level II Specialist
- Level I Specialist
Find the consulting partner for your next project, from the below AppExchange Consultant Finder.